Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Review: 300 Reps for Perfect Abs

I have seen this floating around Pinterest a lot.  I am not entirely sure who the originator of it is, but here is where I saw it:


This sight gives great tutorials of all the different exercises - or at least it points you in the right direction.

Now, I like to think of myself as somewhat fit.  I work out about 5 times a week.  I am by no means a fit queen flaunting my abs (or lack thereof) all over Instagram, but I can hold my own - whatever that means.

Anyway, the first time I did this, I was only able to do the first of the three parts.  Something came up with one of my boys - I believe it was some sort of hygiene issue which required my immediate attention.  Let's just say I wasn't too upset and I didn't end up coming back to finish the remaining parts.  Why?  I could BLOODY WELL feel it after just the first part.  I must admit, I am slightly embarrassed.  I was even a bit sore the next day.

Here is my opinion of this ab workout: I have made this part of my regular workout regime - all three parts of it.  I may stray from it for awhile here and there to tackle something else, because our bodies do get used to routine .  However, I do come back to it.  I think it is a very effective core workout.  Will you develop abs after a week?  Unlikely.  That's the thing I really hate about all the different ab routines that say things like "Get rid of that belly pooch with these effective moves!"  Sorry, that isn't going to happen.  Any trainer will tell you that you can have abs of steel, but if you have fat on top of those abs, those suckers aren't going to show up.  However, this is a really effective routine for tightening your core.  Give it a try.  Don`t feel like you have to do all 3 parts either.  Ideally, yes.  But, if you are crunched for time, or physically cannot do it, just start with 1 part.  You will be able to do all 3 in no time!

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