Friday, September 30, 2016

Halloween Witch Finger Cookies

While we are on the subject of Halloween........

Easy, creepy Halloween cookies

You know you have seen these cookies.  We have all seen them, maybe eaten them and delighted in the lifelike creepy look of them (just type "witch finger cookies" into Pinterest and you will see a multitude of varieties).  I think the standard recipe I use is from Recipe Girl (Witch Finger Cookie Recipe).  Here is my honest opinion of them.  Make them.  Make them a yearly Halloween tradition.  Not only do these look good, they taste good.  My boys look forward to them every year, and have even asked for them when it isn't Halloween.

Here are a few of my tips:
1) Don't do the green food coloring.  You don't need to.  Food coloring is bad, and these look so life like without it.
2) Don't use red food coloring for the blood.  Use raspberry jam, without the seeds.  Trust me.  It really complements the almond extract that is in these cookies.  It's delicious with the added jam. 
3) Do get creative.  I like to dip the end of some of the "fingers" in jam for that severed, bloody look.  Sometimes I add a chocolate chip to make it look like a wart.  Sometimes I will put a "cut" on the finger.
4) Do use blanched whole almonds.  Dip one side in raspberry jam and stick it onto the end of the cookie. It just adds to the creepiness of it!
5) If you want to send these to school, and your kids are nut free, you can replace the almonds with goji berries and replace the almond extract with vanilla.
6) Every year I make this mistake.  These cookies do puff up nicely.  My first batch is always chubby little stubby fingers - more like thumbs.  Roll them more on the thin side.

This was my first batch from last year.  you can see the stubby thumbs at the top.

 I didn't remember the severed part until I was almost done with the first batch.  It makes them taste better and look better, so I went all in on batch number 2.

Thank God I started this blog.  Hopefully, I will remember my helpful tips this year.
What to search for on Pinterest: witch finger cookies
Pros: they have the perfect creepy factor for Halloween, they actually taste good, the effect far outweighs the time these take
Cons: these taste best when made with nut products (not good for allergies), not good to make if you are in a hurry
Would I make these again? You bet.  It's an annual tradition around here.

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